• Address: 303 Twin Dolphin Dr., Ste. 600 Redwood City, CA 94065
  • Phone Number: 650-740-6229

The Negative Effects of Isolation on Senior Citizens

The Negative Effects of Isolation on Senior Citizens

One of the best moments of our life is to be able to do the things we love with our loved ones and friends. The feelings we get from these situations are priceless and would become among our most treasured memories. But in many cases, our opportunities to have these wonderful opportunities dwindle as we reach our senior friends. It’s because most (if not all) of our loved ones have families of their own already and have to fulfill their respective responsibilities, leaving us seniors alone, which could make us sad.

Fortunately, we can avail of companionship services from home care agencies such as home care in Redwood City, California to provide us emotional support and assistance. Let’s look first at the following negative effects of isolation on us seniors.

  • Weaker immune function

    It has been confirmed in research that our feelings of loneliness and isolation weaken our body’s natural ability to ward off diseases. It’s because it results in more production of cortisol or adrenaline, which are stress hormones. Home care professionals such as the caregivers in California are well aware of this and make sure patients get over these negative feelings.

  • More frequency of feeling anxious and depressed

    Seniors who are living by themselves and have little contact with loved ones and other people are prone to have more anxiety attacks and feelings of depression. Home care services through their highly skilled caregivers will help us overcome these challenges.

  • Suicidal tendencies

    When old people like us are left alone and isolated most of the time, chances are, we will be longing for the company of the dear people in our lives. In these moments, various negative thoughts could enter our minds and make us think that life is not worth living anymore and decide to end it. It could happen, but it can be prevented.

  • Poor mental health

    Isolation and feelings of loneliness lead to poor mental health, most especially in the elderly. This would make us have a hard time handling our thoughts, feelings, and actions about the stress we experience every day. These are the challenges that are addressed by the companionship services offered by elderly home care.

Ocean Wave Home Care LLC helps us, seniors, not feel isolated and alone through our companionship services. Our highly proficient professionals will make you feel cared for and loved, and boost your social life.

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